Plans & Pricing
Golf cart/vehicle rental simplified, for the golf club and the golf player.
EAGL Connect
A platform that connects you and your customers to your vehicle fleet operation.
EAGL Connect Plan provides a management platform for your vehicle fleet rental operation. Let your guest/members view available vehicles, pre-book and pay for their rental with the EAGL app, no calls required.
No hardware installation required.
Features Connect Plan:
For your customers: Make your rentals more accessible trough a modern and simplified booking experience - The EAGL App!
Payment via EAGL App
Availability & predictability: Guests and members can now view available vehicles, book, and pay for a rental with their smartphone
Information: Display important information to the customer before, during and after a booking! “Free Coffee on the turn”, “Stay on path”.
Notifications: To ensure a smooth rental experience your customers will receive several notifications and reminders related to their booking.
Reviews & Rating: After a rental, the customer gets promped to leave feedback! Valuable information for your rental business.
Your new cloud based Fleet Management System, that allows you to take full control with features for every challenge vehicle management brings.
Here are a few features:
Coupons: Create and offer volume discount for valuable customers in the EAGL App (campaigns, season passes, etc.)
Discount Codes: Offer discounts codes in all shapes and sizes, for customers, partners, sponsors etc. Instead of giving refunds, give a “free ride”, when they come back!
Group Booking management and control.
Fleet Override: Block of days/hours for tournaments, rain days, etc with a simple button. Yes, all existing bookings will be informed.
Statistics, insights and reports: Make data-driven decisions and improve your rental business.
Refunds: When a booking/ride does not goes as planned.
Reviews & Rating: Read feedback from your customers rental experience and improve your vehicles and service
Service notes: Keep track of maintenance and services on vehicle level.
Users & Permissions: Add unlimited users and assign permissions
The operational core in the EAGL software is the dynamic booking calender. This is where your customers connect to available vehicles and become bookings.
Dynamic booking calender: Utilize your daily rental window!! Our smart system always analyzes the current rental situation prior to booking requests, and continuously update availability.
Vehicle Priority: Our dynamic booking system chooses the best golf vehicle option based on your settings, prior to a booking. For example: with the “Daily Booking Limit” function, you ensure that vehicles are not rented out beyond capacity.
Vehicle groups: Adjust availability and prices accordingly with vehicle groups. For example golf carts and golf scooters.
Service & Maintenance
Schedule and plan future service with the booking calender. With a maintenance booking you simply make the vehicle unavailable for booking.
Using “service notes” you can easily update vehicle status and track services for internal use.
Numbers don´t lie. Optimize your rental operation by making data-driven decisions. With a button click you have easy access to important historic data related to your fleet operation.
x Keyless Access
x GPS & Real Time Data
x Self-Service rental
GPS - Keyless Access - Self-Service rental
EAGL Connect Keyless
Imagine your golf vehicle rental simplified. Keyless. Modern. Self-serviced.
EAGL Connect Keyless Plan provides a management platform that connects you to every aspect of your fleet rental operation. Extend your opening hours, increase your income, free up time and resources spent on administrating your rental fleet.
EAGL Smartbox installation required
Features Connect Keyless Plan:
Make your vehicles more accessible and offer your golfing guests and members a safe, modern and simplified way of renting golf carts.
Availability & predictability: Guests and members can now view available vehicles, pre-book, and pay for a rentals with their smartphone
Keyless Access
Guest/members can start their rental with their smartphone, no keys needed.Information: Display important information to the customer before, during and after a booking! “Free Coffee on the turn”, “Stay on path”.
Notifications: To ensure a smooth rental experience your customers will receive several notifications and reminders related to their booking.
Reviews & Rating: After a rental, the customer gets promped to leave feedback! Valuable information for your rental business.
Your new cloud based Fleet Management System, that allows you to take full control with features for every challenge vehicle management brings.
Here are a few features:
Coupons: Create and offer volume discount for valuable customers in the EAGL App (campaigns, season passes, etc.)
Discount Codes: Offer discounts codes in all shapes and sizes, for customers, partners, sponsors etc. Instead of giving refunds, give a “free ride”, when they come back!
Group Booking management and control.
Fleet Override: Block of days/hours for tournaments, rain days, etc with a simple button. Yes, all existing bookings will be informed.
Statistics, insights and reports: Make data-driven decisions and improve your rental business.
Refunds: When a booking/ride does not goes as planned.
Reviews & Rating: Read feedback from your customers rental experience and improve your vehicles and service
Service notes: Keep track of maintenance and services on vehicle level.
Users & Permissions: Add unlimited users and assign permissions
The operational core in the EAGL software is the dynamic booking calender. This is where your customers connect to available vehicles and become bookings.
Dynamic booking calender: Utilize your daily rental window!! Our smart system always analyzes the current rental situation prior to booking requests, and continuously update availability.
Vehicle Priority: Our dynamic booking system chooses the best golf vehicle option based on your settings, prior to a booking. For example: with the “Daily Booking Limit” function, you ensure that vehicles are not rented out beyond capacity.
Vehicle groups: Adjust availability and prices accordingly with vehicle groups. For example golf carts and golf scooters.
Service & Maintenance
Schedule and plan future service with the booking calender. With a maintenance booking you simply make the vehicle unavailable for booking.
Using “service notes” you can easily update vehicle status and track services for internal use.
Numbers don´t lie. Optimize your rental operation by making data-driven decisions. With a button click you have easy access to important historic data related to your entire fleet operation.
We know the struggle of logistics with keys! No more need for traditional keys, not for you and not for your golfing customer!
With our Smartbox installed, your vehicles ignition is replaced with a digital and accessible “On/Off-button” in EAGL Fleet Dashboard and EAGL App.
No more guessing. Feel in control by knowing where your golf carts are at any given time and who is currently renting.
GPS: Keep track of your vehicles at any given time. A great tool for Marshalls to keep up the pace of play.
Battery indicator: The EAGL Smartbox installed does a battery evaluation every 15 minutes, this is displayed on the Vehicle page in EAGL Fleet Management
Geofencing: Set up a geographic boundary associated with your golf club. When a vehicle is registered outside the limit, the vehicle is automatically switched off.
Security and theft-protection
Should a vehicle be stolen, our Smartbox increases the probability of getting the vehicle back with the GPS position.
We also have preventive stickers that show that the vehicle has a GPS tracker.Night lock
Fleet “switched off” automatically after closing hours.
The EAGL Connect Keyless plan provides a one of a kind solution where the golf player can book, pay, and start a rental with the EAGL App, without needing keys or involving the golf club staff.
Need help deciding?
If you have questions about the EAGL system or plans, our customer advisors are ready help! Book a meeting that fits your schedule.