Norway's first golf club with self-serviced golf cart rental

During the pandemic the rounds played increased by 15-20% on Arendal & Omegn Golfklubb. So did the interest in golf cart rental. An increased golf cart rental ment more administrative work. The Norwegian golf club invested in the EAGL system and according to the GM, today the golf cart rental is by definition, self-serviced.

- We could get 50-60 calls in one day regarding golf cart rental, where typical questions are availability and price. The conversation often ends up taking much more time than you would think, General Manager Asbjørn explains.

The GM explains that the golf club is always trying to be as lightly staffed as possible at the reception. One of the biggest challenges with the increased golf cart rental was naturally all the time and resources they had to spent on administration. In light of this, Asbjørn wanted to try the EAGL system to achieve a more efficient operation of the golf car rental business, but he admits he was sceptical.

- I knew that the EAGL app was the part of the concept that could reduce administration time for us, but I was sceptical about whether we could get enough people to use the EAGL app to book golf carts. That scepticism was put to rest after we started using the system in the way we thought was right for us, smiles Asbjørn as he looks over at the EAGL App Award diploma.

Awarded for self-service golf car rental

Arendal og omegn golf club has received an award from EAGL Technologies for its modern approach to golf cart rental. The EAGL App Award diploma states that a whopping 87% of all bookings made in 2022 are via the EAGL app and that the average rating of the golf cart rental throughout the season is an impressive 4.7 out of 5 stars.

- The reason why we have achieved these numbers I think is that we have insisted from the very beginning that golf car bookings - happens through the EAGL app. We have been very strict on this, but at the same time very hands-on with training. If someone has had a problem, we have been there to help them on their smartphone.

Today, the typical EAGL App user at Arendal og omegn golf club is everyman, in other words, the average member and guest. Both young and old. The users have not shown any particular reluctance to the system and have rather welcomed it, says Asbjørn.

If you were to give some advice to other golf clubs that want to achieve a self-serviced golf cart rental, what would it be?

- The advice I would give to other golf clubs is that you actively need to train guests and members from day one on how to book a golf cart in the EAGL app. Also it is important that all employees know the product inside out. Making a change in the rental operation requires commitment. You have to decide on a change and do it properly, says Asbjørn firmly.

Happy with the modernisation of golf car rental

We meet two keen golfers in the parking lot of the golf club who have just finished their round of golf this rainy day in september. Kenneth Kjennerud and Arne Kjell Halvorsen do not let a little water stop them.

- "Here we play in all kinds of weather, as long as the golf course is open. A few years ago there was snow on the ski track, but bare ground on the course. That round I almost hit a skier with my drive," laughs Kenneth, who says that he covers about 140 rounds during the golf season.

What do you think about the fact that booking a golf cart is only possible through the EAGL app here at Arendal og omegn golf club?

- I think it works very well. The EAGL app allows us to easily book the golf carts in advance and avoid having to go to the pro shop to pick up or deliver keys, says Kenneth.

- "We also don't have to wait for the club to open and can pick up a golf cart before and after opening hours," Arne Kjell adds happily.

Determined with the EAGL system

It becomes quite clear that the general manager, Asbjørn, has been determined with the decision to use the EAGL system from the start and that this has rubbed off on the employees.

- Asbjørn deserves a lot of the credit for the fact that we have succeeded so well with the EAGL system here at Arendal og omegn golf club. He saw the possibilities with the EAGL app, what needed to be done and it really rubbed off on the rest of us, says Helge Bjørn Stormo, who is the sports and activities manager.

How do you see the effect of insisting on the use of the EAGL app for bookings?

- There has been significantly less incoming calls and administrative work. We rent out golf carts more than before, and i am pretty sure it is because of the simplicity and accessibility. On summer days, we can rent out each car 2-3 times a day, says Helge Bjørn.


September: New EAGL features


March: New EAGL app and new features in EAGL Dashboard